Its been a while since I last posted here. The past few weeks I finally was able to get myself down to a farmer's market. The first one I went to was the Farmer's Market that is located at the hospital where I am a Registered Nurse. It is at NUMC at East Meadow, Long Island NY just off Hempstead Turnpike and Carmen Avenue. This is new for this year and they had 5 different stands. A bakery stand (off limits for me of course), a homemade soap stand, a greek pastry stand (looked delicious but again cant have), a pickle stand, and the best of all stands the vegitable stand.
This farmers market is open to mid november and I hope to get my ass there more often. I bought a red onion, 2 yellow onions, and a small super sweet watermellon. The watermellon was so sweet and dark red in color and the shell of the watermellon was darker then the ones in this picture. The only draw back was the seeds but other wise the best watermellon I ever had. The red onion I added to the meatloaf I made for dinner a few weeks ago and its sweet fresh flavor added a nice aroma and taste that the store bought onions dont bring out.
Then I discovered after I went to that one that the town where I live has a Farmers Market on Wensdays from 12 noon to 7PM. This is the Long Beach Farmers Market located in front of City Hall on West Park Avenue adjacent to the LIRR Station. Now I usually work at this time so i never got a chance to go here but since i was off this week I finally made it there. This one was more crowded with a local long Island seafood stand, a hudson valley NY Organic baker, 3 fruit and veggie stands, a cookie stand, and a dept of labor stand. Now this organic baker I forget the name from upstate NY the line was used and the bread smelled so good. I checked if they had and gluten free bread and of course they didnt have any. But I did buy a pound of suger plums and regular plums which where small but so sweet. The sugar plums tasted like pure sugar. I also bought a red tomato and 4 ears of corn. These I didnt eat yet. Life is great going to a farmers market.